Amundi Investment Solutions, LU0496786657

Amundi Investment Solutions / LU0496786657

29.11.2024 - 15:25:57



29-Nov-2024 / 15:25 CET/CEST
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

MULTI UNITS LUXEMBOURG Société d’investissement à capital variable Registered Office : 9, rue de Bitbourg, L-1273 Luxembourg RCS Luxembourg B 115 129 (the “company”) ______________________________________________________________________   NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS November 29, 2024   The Board of Directors of the Company hereby wishes to inform the Shareholders holding MULTI UNITS LUXEMBOURG distribution shares that annual dividends will be paid as stated in the table below. The distribution of each dividend will be carried out according to the following calendar:   Record date : December 9, 2024 Ex-date : December 10, 2024 Payment date : December 13, 2024  
ETF Name ISIN Share Class Currency TIDM Listing Currency Distribution Income Amount (in share class currency) Sedol
Amundi S&P 500 II UCITS ETF USD Dist LU0496786657 USD LSPU LN USD 0,78 B3PXK04
Amundi S&P 500 II UCITS ETF USD Dist LU0496786657 USD LSPX LN GBX 0,78 B3PS388
Amundi Australia S&P/ASX 200 UCITS ETF Dist LU0496786905 EUR LAUU LN USD 2,01 BD6DPH5
Amundi MSCI Pacific Ex Japan UCITS ETF Dist LU1220245556 USD PAXJ LN USD 5,44 BWFZYM3
Amundi MSCI Pacific Ex Japan UCITS ETF Dist LU1220245556 USD PAXG LN GBX 5,44 BWFZYN4
Amundi US Treasury Bond 1-3Y UCITS ETF Dist LU1407887162 USD U13G LN GBX 2,4 BDF5JX6
Amundi US Treasury Bond 1-3Y UCITS ETF Dist LU1407887162 USD US13 LN USD 2,4 BDF5JY7
Amundi US Treasury Bond 1-3Y UCITS ETF GBP Hedged Dist LU1407887675 GBP U13E LN GBP 0,24 BL66RT6
Amundi US Treasury Bond 7-10Y UCITS ETF Dist LU1407888053 USD US71 LN USD 2,42 BDHFR18
Amundi US Treasury Bond 7-10Y UCITS ETF Dist LU1407888053 USD U71G LN GBX 2,42 BDHFQZ5
Amundi US Treasury Bond 7-10Y UCITS ETF GBP Hedged Dist LU1407888483 GBP U71H LN GBP 0,28 BP0BPN5
Amundi US Treasury Bond 3-7Y UCITS ETF Dist LU1407888996 USD US37 LN USD 2,68 BDF5K00
Amundi US Treasury Bond 3-7Y UCITS ETF Dist LU1407888996 USD U37G LN GBX 2,68 BDF5JZ8
Amundi US Treasury Bond 3-7Y UCITS ETF GBP Hedged Dist LU1407889457 GBP U37H LN GBP 0,26 BP0BPM4
Amundi US Treasury Bond Long Dated UCITS ETF Dist LU1407890620 USD US10 LN USD 3,53 BG0V4H9
Amundi US Treasury Bond Long Dated UCITS ETF Dist LU1407890620 USD U10G LN GBX 3,53 BG0V4D5
Amundi US Treasury Bond Long Dated UCITS ETF GBP Hedged Dist LU1407891271 GBP UH10 LN GBP 0,32 BP0BPQ8
Lyxor iBoxx GBP Liquid Corporates Long Dated UCITS ETF - Dist LU1407891602 GBP COUK LN GBX 5,36 BDF5FR2
Amundi UK Government Bond UCITS ETF Dist LU1407892592 GBP GILS LN GBX 2,66 BDF5FQ1
Amundi UK Government Inflation-Linked Bond UCITS ETF Dist LU1407893301 GBP GILI LN GBX 0,86 BDF5FP0
Amundi UK Government Bond 0-5Y   UCITS ETF Dist LU1439943090 GBP GIL5 LN GBP 0,33 BD6P6G7
Amundi US TIPS Government Inflation-Linked Bond UCITS ETF Dist LU1452600270 USD TIPG LN GBX 0,99 BD20DC1
Amundi US TIPS Government Inflation-Linked Bond UCITS ETF Dist LU1452600270 USD TIPU LN USD 0,99 BD20DB0
Amundi US TIPS Government Inflation-Linked Bond UCITS ETF GBP Hedged Dist LU1452600601 GBP TIPH LN GBP 0,94 BDFFKC2
Amundi Global Aggregate Green Bond   UCITS ETF GBP Hedged Dist LU1563455630 GBP KLMG LN GBP 0,17 BN2WZX2
Amundi FTSE 100 UCITS ETF Dist LU1650492256 GBP 100D LN GBX 5,06 BK1VVQ4
Lyxor Core US Equity (DR) UCITS ETF - Dist LU1781540957 USD LCUS LN GBP 0,18 BFX0562
Lyxor Core US Equity (DR) UCITS ETF - Dist LU1781540957 USD LCUD LN USD 0,18 BFX05D9
Amundi UK Equity All Cap UCITS ETF Dist LU1781541096 GBP LCUK LN GBP 0,42 BFX0551
Amundi Global Government Inflation-Linked Bond 1-10Y UCITS ETF Dist LU1910939849 USD GIST LN USD 0,09 BJP0X86
Amundi Global Government Inflation-Linked Bond 1-10Y UCITS ETF GBP Hedged Dist LU1910940425 GBP GISG LN GBP 0,08 BMDXR53
Amundi S&P 500 II UCITS ETF GBP Hedged Dist LU1950341179 GBP SP5G LN GBP 2,56 BJBV338
Amundi Global Aggregate Green Bond 1-10Y UCITS ETF GBP Hedged Dist LU1981860585 GBP XCOG LN GBP 0,4 BMX3V84
Amundi Global Government Bond II UCITS ETF Dist LU2099288503 USD GOUD LN USD 0,19 BMY37S5
Amundi Global Government Bond II UCITS ETF Dist LU2099288503 USD GOVD LN GBP 0,19 BMY37R4
Amundi MSCI Emerging Markets II UCITS ETF Dist LU2573966905 USD U127 LN USD 1,59 BNGDMY1
Amundi MSCI Emerging Markets II UCITS ETF Dist LU2573966905 USD E127 LN GBP 1,59 BNGDMX0
    Each individual client can be subject to withholding taxes as per his/her country of residence and the current tax treaty between this country of residence and France for French domiciled funds or Luxembourg for Luxembourg domiciled funds.   The Board of Directors      

Dissemination of a Regulatory Announcement, transmitted by EQS Group.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

ISIN: LU0496786657, LU0496786657, LU0496786905, LU1220245556, LU1220245556, LU1407887162, LU1407887162, LU1407887675, LU1407888053, LU1407888053, LU1407888483, LU1407888996, LU1407888996, LU1407889457, LU1407890620, LU1407890620, LU1407891271, LU1407891602, LU1407892592, LU1407893301, LU1439943090, LU1452600270, LU1452600270, LU1452600601, LU1563455630, LU1646360971, LU1650492256, LU1781540957, LU1781540957, LU1781541096, LU1910939849, LU1910940425, LU1950341179, LU1981860585, LU2099288503, LU2099288503, LU2573966905, LU2573966905
Category Code: DIV
Sequence No.: 362325
EQS News ID: 2041437

End of Announcement EQS News Service
